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Betsy  Barfield is a professional photographer.  She was elected to the Jefferson County Commission in 2010, where she served for 12 years.  

From the start she knew it was important to use that position to create good; 4-H was the perfect good.

Betsy is a 4-H alum.  She was a camper x2 at 4-H Camp Cherry Lake. 


Betsy, of course, enjoys cycling - she is so pleased to live in a county that is rural and beautiful.  

Betsy is one of 6 children - 5 of them ride (well, kinda).  She has been riding for over 34 years.  She raced mountain bikes from 1995 - 1998.  

She is married to Mack - 44 years. Her little French momma lives on property where Betsy and Mack derive so much pleasure. At times, Betsy rides with her only sister, Patricia.

betsy dirty pecan.avif
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